Friday, March 21, 2008

and yet more...

Some other Scottish cardinal ranting on - but I am sure that their approach will be counter productive. people generally aren't too keen on minority religionists telling the rest of us what tio do.

They do a great job, though. Joanne Bogle, former Tory councillor and doyen of various far-right immoral causes over the years did her usual sterling work this evening on 5 live. Shrieking, interrupting, lecturing and hectoring - do these people ever listen to themselves? Anyway, all for the good - the worse their spokespersons, the more reasonable people will recognise the paucity of their flat earth beliefs.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

More lunacy from a minion of vatican plc

I'm not sure what they put in the holy water these days, but it looks as if the flapping of white coats is once again to be heard amongst our dear friends at Vatican plc (Scottish branch)

The latest loon is one Joseph Devine, senior frock wearer of Motherwell, who has complained about gay people being represented at Holocaust remembrance services. Well - hel-lo - but actually the gay people were persecuted and killed by the Nazis. Now, what were the catholic church doing - ah yes, collaborating and making secret deals with Hitler, a baptised Catholic. And let us not forget Ratfinger's enthusiastic membership of the Hitler Youth. Leopards don't change their spots, do they?

He doesn't seem to have realised that the world has changed - and he has been left behind fulminating as gay people are treated equally before the law and his institution is rightly prevented from discriminating at the public expense.

The next step really must be to abolish religionists running schools. Seems they have been cooking the books to prevent nasty common children getting in and spoiling their exam figures. We should expect no less from such upstanding, honest people.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

No surprise here....

I wonder why anyone could ever think anything other.

Its obvious to anyone with even half a brain that this sort of thing is fake.

The Labour party

I was thinking the other day how it is all too easy to see things very differently from one place than another. The Labour party is one such thing. I think about rejoining, and then some bloody Government minister will come up with some utter tomfool nonsense about pledging allegiances to the Queen or such like ( this is NOT America and Brits find the reciting of poems to the flag hand on heart, as funny. Gordon, you don't seem to get it!)

It appears to me that an awful lot of decent mainstream Labour people have left the party. Iraq was a step too far for many of us, and as we are still there and direction doesn't appear to have changed, there isn't much to tempt us back to the fold.

What seems to remain are those who still seem to think that the battles of 1997 are being fought. No recognition that the Tories have certainly changed - it may be at surface level but change it is - and are no longer the incompetent unelectable mess of the last three elections. This group of NL evangelists are simply unable to be objective - they cannot or will not see that there are all sorts of areas where people really have had enough and have lost patience with the Government.

Then there is the hard left. naturally they spend most of their time fighting each other. The latest spat is over the choice of a new general Secretary for the Labour party. This is a functional not a policy making job. What is required is someone efficient with organisational ability. The purity of their politics is surely a secondary consideration. Already I have read blogs where such vitriol os expressed about the man simply because he works in the City! If he had been an arms dealer, fair enough - but what's wrong with drawing upon someone's experience?

he is undoubtedly taking a huge pay cut to do the job. he must be dedicated to the Party to want to do it in the first place.

So. Labour party members - a challenge - convince me that I should rejoin....

Friday, March 07, 2008

Catching-up time....

been busy again and have let this blog slip - so, some catching up.

First, Peter Tatchell has been mouthing off again about the age of consent. Sorry, peter, but no. Its fine at 16. of course some young people will have sex below that age but essentially the age does act as some sort of defence from predators - and they do exist, of all sexualities. What has to be remembered is that this is very much a lone voice. There is no campaign to reduce the age to 14. mainstream gay rights campaigners wanted equality, which is what we have, and have no desire to reduce the age further .

Did you hear last week's Moral Maze. There is something quite delicious about listening to that well known liberal (does she still call herself that?) Mel Phillips get angry. In this case, with a witness who was advocating prostitution. I didn't necessarily agree with him but the skill at winding up this quite humourless individual was masterful. Some people always rise to the bait.

Catholic MP's are once again trying to take orders from the Vatican to force the Governments hand. Quite simply, if your religionism is more important to you than supporting the Government, then start your own Vaticanist party. otherwise, belt up and stop trying to scupper urgently needed legislation which will hugely benefit people on the entirely spurious grounds of your make believe god and its disgusting, squalid, corrupt 'church'. There's nothing more immoral than Catholicism and its legions of hypocritical, fearful, brainwashed followers. particularly those skulking in their closets, scared of facing up publicly to their sexuality. there is just no excuse for it - its internalised homophobia through and through. One thing I agree with Peter Tatchell about is outing such hypocrites. They deserve to be shamed for their betrayal. I trust that the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill will resist the threats of the religionists and will ensure that we remain a centre for this vital research, and that children of lesbian parents are recognised as such - as equality law demands.

oh, and that the Pope should die soon of an agonising death - no more than the bastard deserves given the number that his church policies have murdered by its attitude to the use of condoms to prevent HIV.